[ExI] bexarotene papers

spike spike66 at att.net
Sat Aug 11 15:08:02 UTC 2012

>... On Behalf Of Ben Zaiboc
>...Subject: Re: [ExI] bexarotene papers

>..."spike" <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
>>...  There are plenty of ways to cut back and come up with
> 1200 to 2400 a month, and this is waaay cheaper than elder care, way 
> cheaper.

>...Right you are, Spike.  I'm forgetting, USD 2400 != GBP 2400...Ben Zaiboc


2400 US is about 1500 pounds or 2000 euros.  There are families around here
that spend that much on alcohol.

Elder care on the other hand, *will*ruin*your*ass*dot*com.  There are
government funded options, but these are a nightmare.  I do know this from
firsthand experience.  It is no mystery.  To educate yourself, go visit a
nice privately funded elder care facility.  Go ahead, don't be afraid, do
it.  Scratch that, be afraid.  But go do it anyway, for you need to know
this my friends.

Now look around and try to imagine running this facility for about a third
of the money.  Imagine yourself the director, running the place on Medicare.
Cut two thirds of your cost.  It isn't as simple as picking  2/3 of the
staff and letting them go; you still have to pay the same amount on the
mortgage or rent, the utilities, you still have a pile of government
regulations to meet, with more being added every day, as well as the threat
of those government funds being reduced in the future, for the current US
government spending rate relies on borrowing to cover a twelve orders of
magnitude annual deficit, with neither major political party offering any
credible long term solutions.

Oy vey, what an onerous moral dilemma is this.

If you haven't done so, go visit an elder care facility. 


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