[ExI] Bucky Balls Could Double Your Lifespan

Jeff Davis jrd1415 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 12 07:15:29 UTC 2012

Prices for c60 fullerene: 500mg $180; 5g $777.


Now can someone extract from the original paper a daily dose for the
rodents in mg/kg?

And I'm thinking the original research wasn't looking to optimize the
dosage.  So an optimized doseage may be substantially less than that
given the rodents.

And I'm wondering -- someone have access to the list of citations for
the original research? -- who conducted the first toxicity studies and
with what results?  Just curious.

Best, Jeff Davis

          "Everything's hard till you know how to do it."
                                                 Ray Charles

On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 1:43 PM, Mike Dougherty <msd001 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 1:11 AM, John Clark <johnkclark at gmail.com> wrote:
>> thousands of people start smoking. Smoking kills far more people than all
>> illegal drugs put together.
> I'm pretty sure if you took all the illegal drugs together it'd kill
> you quicker than smoking.  Well, some of those illegal drugs have to
> be smoked, but whatever.  I knew what you meant and you know I'm just
> being silly.
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