[ExI] pussy riot case

Mirco Romanato painlord2k at libero.it
Mon Aug 20 08:54:19 UTC 2012

Il 19/08/2012 19:49, Stefano Vaj ha scritto:
> On 19 August 2012 18:41, spike <spike66 at att.net
> <mailto:spike66 at att.net>> wrote:
> This Pussy Riot case worries me.  Suggestions please on how to stand
> in solidarity with the Pussy Rioters?
> Hey, coupla years for trespassing for the purpose of committing a
> felony?
> What would it be like in the US, seven years according to federal
> sentencing guidelines, right? :-)
> As much as I may like vandalism of monotheists' ceremonies in
> principle, I am too busy being concerned with Assange's predicament
> right now.

I would like to add the consideration of Prof Volokh

This news from Finland:

Law in Victoria (Australia)

> Summary Offences Act 1966 - SECT 21
> Disturbing religious worship
> 21. Disturbing religious worship
> (1) Any person who wilfully and without lawful justification or
> excuse, the proof of which lies on him, disquiets or disturbs any
> meeting of persons lawfully assembled for religious worship or
> assaults any person lawfully officiating at any such meeting or any
> of the persons there assembled shall be guilty of an offence.
> Penalty: 15 penalty units or imprisonment for three months.
> (2) A prosecution for an offence against this section shall be
> commenced within three months after the offence is committed.
> Entry of Police into Houses, Buildings, &c.

Nevada Laws for "Disturbing Religious Meetings" (NRS 201.270)

> It's not unusual for Nevada prosecutors to press charges for
> disturbing a religious meeting in conjunction with other crimes.
> Depending on the specific circumstances of the alleged incident,
> defendants often face additional and related charges such as:

Disturbing a Public Meeting or Assembly
California Penal Code 403 PC

Related Crime: Penal Code 302 - Disturbing a Religious Meeting
In Penal Code 302, California law prohibits one from disturbing a
meeting comprised of religious worship. The statute is analogous to
Penal Code 403, except that it carries a one-year maximum sentence
(whereas Penal Code 403 only carries a six month maximum). 3 The harsher
sentence reflects the public policy interest in protecting the sanctity
of religious meetings.

In Italy we have at least:

> Art. 404. Offese a una confessione religiosa mediante vilipendio o
> danneggiamento di cose. (1)
> Chiunque, in luogo destinato al culto, o in luogo pubblico o aperto
> al pubblico, offendendo una confessione religiosa, vilipende con
> espressioni ingiuriose cose che formino oggetto di culto, o siano
> consacrate al culto, o siano destinate necessariamente all'esercizio
> del culto, ovvero commette il fatto in occasione di funzioni
> religiose, compiute in luogo privato da un ministro del culto, è
> punito con la multa da euro 1.000 a euro 5.000. Chiunque
> pubblicamente e intenzionalmente distrugge, disperde, deteriora,
> rende inservibili o imbratta cose che formino oggetto di culto o
> siano consacrate al culto o siano destinate necessariamente
> all'esercizio del culto è punito con la reclusione fino a due anni

> Art. 405. Turbamento di funzioni religiose del culto di
> unaconfessione religiosa.
> Chiunque impedisce o turba l'esercizio di funzioni, cerimonie o
> pratiche religiose del culto di una confessione religiosa (1), le
> quali si compiano con l'assistenza di un ministro del culto medesimo
> o in un luogo destinato al culto, o in un luogo pubblico o aperto al
> pubblico, è punito con la reclusione fino a due anni. Se concorrono
> fatti di violenza alle persone o di minaccia, si applica la
> reclusione da uno a tre anni.

And being at least three people doing it (four with the camera man), 
they could apply Art. 416. Associazione per delinquere

It would be up to 3 years for art 405 in Italy and 1 to 5 years for art 416.

Stefano could surely correct me if there is any big mistake.


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