[ExI] dolchstosslegende, was: RE: cost of SBSP and thorium

Dave Sill sparge at gmail.com
Tue Aug 21 00:38:03 UTC 2012

On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 5:29 PM, Charlie Stross <charlie.stross at gmail.com>wrote:

> That's a naive, unidimensional analysis ("small government" = "right",
> "big government" = "left").

That's not what Spike said, which is:

"...the American right wing (conservatives) are very generally aligning
with the libertarians such as the Tea Party, generally favoring smaller
government, with the emphasis on cutting government spending.  The left
wing or (liberals) are proposing more government involvement in the
citizens' lives, or generally favoring more and bigger government, with
continued spending at current levels supported
by higher taxes."

And that's simply an observation, not an analysis.

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