[ExI] pussy riot case

Mirco Romanato painlord2k at libero.it
Tue Aug 21 12:15:35 UTC 2012

Il 21/08/2012 03:12, spike ha scritto:
> *From:*extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
> [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] *On Behalf Of *Stefano Vaj
> *…*
>>…Had it been Dawkins being arrested for stripping naked in the
> Westminster cathedral during a queen-assisted ceremony, I would probably
> react in a stronger way. :-)--Stefano Vaj
> Dawkins is god.  If he did the above, I would rally in favor of having
> the queen arrested for voyeurism.

Sorry, I don't believe in acting gods.
As Rothbard argued, an omnipotent god not need to act.

By the way, the two more interesting depictions of gods of the last 
times I saw are:
1) Loki when trashed by Hulk ("puny god")
2) Lilith of True Blood ("I choose you." - "I choose you". - "I choose 


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