[ExI] pussy riot case
spike66 at att.net
Wed Aug 22 03:18:09 UTC 2012
>... On Behalf Of Kelly Anderson
>...Army Pfc. Bradley Manning swore an oath to protect his countries
secrets, then violated that oath. That's a little stronger expectation of
loyalty than "some"...
> ...he has ruined at least one life so far, that of Army Pfc. Bradley
Manning... -Kelly
It was Army Pfc Bradley Manning who ruined the life of Army Pfc. Bradley
Manning. He screwed up, he paid the price, and will continue to pay. That
being said, he didn't actually spill classified information, for if it is
classified, it wouldn't have been on any network which had a USB port. He
spilled a ton of sensitive information for sure.
I recognize that Julian has done a mixture of harm and benefit, good call on
that. If he is a difficult sort, all the usual comments about him,
megalomaniac, etc, I don't care about that either way. He was never a buddy
of mine. But Private Manning deserves the punishment: the military is a
special case.
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