[ExI] pussy riot case
Mirco Romanato
painlord2k at libero.it
Wed Aug 22 15:11:58 UTC 2012
Il 22/08/2012 14:53, Ben Zaiboc ha scritto:
> Kelly Anderson <kellycoinguy at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Army Pfc. Bradley Manning swore an oath to protect his countries
>> secrets, then violated that oath. That's a little stronger
>> expectation of loyalty than "some"...
> Do you think an oath, once sworn, must be binding under *all
> circumstances*, including a change in the perceived nature of the
> entity the oath was sworn to?
Who take the oath freely must foresee all consequences and be
responsible for his choices.
But independently from his oath, Army Pfc. Bradley Manning knew the laws
and what he risked.
> In other words, do you think that divorce, for example, should never
> be allowed under any circumstances? That there is never a moral
> obligation to violate an oath under any circumstances, even if you
> find that the oath would lead you to do evil things?
The moral obligation (true or not) doesn't absolves from paying for
breaking the oath.
So, if you find the marriage too burdensome or you are no more
"happyyyyy", you can break it, and pay the price.
Now, we could argue about the prices and the circumstances and how
someone pay a price cheaper than others.
> I don't know about you, but in my book, conscience trumps oaths,
> which are after all just verbal contracts dressed up in fancy
> language, usually with threats attached.
Unfortunately, this only lead to a convenient use of conscience to avoid
to pay when it is inconvenient.
Just like many women soldiers just happen to become pregnant when they
need to be deployed. Before they collect the pay, after they find a easy
way to avoid to earn it.
> If Bradley Manning violated his oath, he thought it was the Right
> Thing To Do, at least at the time.
If he thought it was the right thing to do, he is not entitled to
lamenting the consequences. Anyone is able to do the right thing when it
is easy and cost nothing.
(Ales)Sandro Pertini (ex-president of the Republic Of Italy) went in
jail for 15 years under Mussolini (the real Fascist (TM)). He never
lamented the time spent there. He obviously would have avoided it,
because he went inside with black hair and went outside with gray hair.
About it he told to Oriana Fallaci: "A man of faith cannot escape the
sacrifices and must pay in person. Otherwise it is not a man of faith."
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