[ExI] dolchstosslegende, was: RE: cost of SBSP and thorium

John Clark johnkclark at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 17:52:36 UTC 2012

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012  spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:

> > The right has tepidly embraced the Tea Party,

I enthusiastically agree with about 30% of what the Tea Party says, the
problem is that in the other 70% they're not just wrong but crazy wrong,
and the individual Tea Party members are such creeps I'd be embarrassed to
be associated with them

> The Tea Party sees both the mainstream parties as far too spendy statist
> big-government-ish,

That's what they say but consider what turned a spending surplus when the
right won the presidency from what they call big spending liberals into a
huge government debt:

1) The Bush tax reductions.
2) Not one but TWO wars, they're never cheap.
3) TARP and the big bank bailout of 2008
4) Expanded Medicare

Paul Ryan, the quintessential Tea Party member, voted for ALL of them, and
Romney damns Obamacare but did almost the exact same thing when he was
governor of Massachusetts.  And I've got to say that right now in the fifth
year of The Great Recession (that started with the Republicans) we have a
lot of serious economic problems but neither inflation nor government debt
is among them, someday that could change but not now.

>   >On the issues that really matter, the two major parties became nearly
> indistinguishable.

I actually don't agree, I think there is a clearly distinguishable
difference. Neither comes close to something I could endorse with
enthusiasm but I have come to the conclusion that is never going to happen,
so I am not going to let the perfect stand in the way of the good and
intend to vote for Obama; he just seems a little less medieval,
hypocritical and downright creepy than the alternative. I've voted for the
Libertarian candidate in the past and still like the ideas but I now think
such a vote is pointless.

  John K Clark
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