[ExI] pussy riot case

spike spike66 at att.net
Wed Aug 22 23:13:30 UTC 2012

>... On Behalf Of Jeff Davis

>...He reported the crimes he saw -- Sunni detained by US forces being
turned over to Iraqi forces (Shia) for torture and liquidation -- only to be
told to shut up and go back to work helping to find and turn over more Sunni
detainees... Best, Jeff Davis

Jeff I do appreciate you, for I had never heard that part.  What we were
told is that PFC Manning downloaded a bunch of sensitive  diplomatic
information and sent it to WikiLeaks.  It couldn't have been classified
info, if he or anyone was able to put it on a flash drive.  Anyone who put
classified info on that network would be cooked.  I no longer have any
position on PFC Manning, so I will vote present until we see how the case
comes out.  I don't see that Julian did anything illegal from the point of
view of privacy.  Your commentary has caused me to  go from cocksure
ignorance to thoughtful uncertainty.


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