[ExI] The secret history of Pussy Riot

Jeff Davis jrd1415 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 23 19:37:03 UTC 2012

You've heard the Western version, and you see how the US, wedded to
military Keynesianism and continuing MIC profitability, is trying to
rebrand the former Commie boogieman and thus resurrect the robust and
dependable profit stream from the halcyon days of the cold war.

Here's the other side of the story.

The secret history of Pussy Riot


One note.  I admire Israel Shamir, and generally give him credit for
reality-based commentary.  That said, he comments in the piece that
The US State Dept has funded PR's recently released single, and Shamir
provides a link:


I was ready to believe the claim, but I cannot find anything in the LA
Times piece that confirms US State Dept funding.

Best, Jeff Davis

         "Everything's hard till you know how to do it."
                                           Ray Charles

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