[ExI] Manning and Assange

Kelly Anderson kellycoinguy at gmail.com
Sat Aug 25 18:44:48 UTC 2012

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Keith Henson <hkeithhenson at gmail.com> wrote:

> Note that I have not watched "collateral murder."  There are different
> opinions as to it being a crime or just an unfortunate accident.  Of
> course one could make a case that the US had no justification for
> being there in the first place.  How many "weapons of mass
> destruction" did we find?

So, was the report that there were weapons of mass destruction a
mistake or a crime?

Since Saddam stated (after he was caught) that it was his intention
for people in the region and the Americans to THINK that he actually
had weapons of mass destruction, when in fact he probably did not, the
war was actually a victory for Saddam's department of propaganda.

> There is an event where really clasified secret material was released
> June 1 of this year.  Far as I know, there is no investigation is
> being held into who decided that bragging rights were more important
> than a "top secret" classification.  But what would I know?

According to Wired Magazine, stuxnet was discovered by  Kaspersky
Labs, a Russian computer security firm. I don't know that this was a
leak in the same sense.

> It's an interesting question as to why some leaks are rewarded and
> some are punished.

Well, yes, that is an interesting phenomena for sure. But most of the
leaks that are rewarded have to do with exploratory political moves,
not national security issues.


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