[ExI] Manning and Assange

Keith Henson hkeithhenson at gmail.com
Sat Aug 25 20:07:00 UTC 2012

Why was a Navy adviser stripped of her career?

(Last page)

Cabelly’s travails, however, may be reaching closure. A sentencing
hearing, scheduled for June, was postponed, under seal.

* * *

Eighteen months later, Todd is still afraid to come home, lest the
Cabelly case pop up and bite her again. Her parents have visited from
Vermont, where they are retired, on a few holidays. Once in 2008 they
gathered in Toronto, where she was meeting her lawyers.

At 47, she’s no longer a high-level player in big-think Middle East
strategy (though, judging by her e-mail exchanges with past and
present senior officers, Navy leaders still welcome her advice). She
worries: The drumbeat for a military attack on Iran, she says, is
being pounded “by the same people who gave us Iraq.”

“What happened to Gwenyth in Bahrain was shocking,” said her father,
Kenneth Thompson, “but having spent much of my working life in the
State Department, I know that such things are possible. The only way
to curb such abuses of power is to make the facts public.”


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