[ExI] Neil Armstrong (1930-2012)

David Lubkin lubkin at unreasonable.com
Sun Aug 26 17:31:36 UTC 2012

Spike wrote:

>First it was Armstrong, then Neil Young.  Damn, I liked that 
>guy.  Bad week for Neils.  Somebody check on Neil Diamond, make sure he's OK.

Not a bad name. Just considering the ones I'd heard of, and skipping
over McNeil, Nielsen, Nilsson, Nigel, and Nelson, for no especial reason:

Neal Adams, Neil Armstrong, Neal Boortz, Neil Bush, Neil Cavuto, Neil
deGrassie Tyson, Neil Diamond, Niall Ferguson, Neil Gaiman, Neil Patrick
Harris, Diane Neal, Patricia Neal, Noel Neill, Sam Neill, Ryan O'Neal, Tatum
O'Neal, "April O'Neill", Eugene O'Neill, Gerard K. O'Neill, Jennifer O'Neill,
Tip O'Neill, Neil Postman, Neil Sedaka, Neil Simon, Neal Stephenson.

Of whom at least eight are involved in endeavors that are on-topic
for extropy-chat by my tally. My mother dated one of them.

(A game I've played for years is to rate a name by the fraction of positive
associations I have with it. Names aren't assigned at random. They are
indicative of age, socio-economic status, ethnic origin, religion, and
seem to influence how someone is treated, as a child or adult.)

-- David.

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