[ExI] keynes vs hayek again, was: RE: 3d printers for sale

T. Watts brainwav93 at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 28 06:19:56 UTC 2012

I believe some of our major cities, the power could be knocked out for weeks with a deer rifle or a few sacks of thermite. There was an article in Omni magazine by G. Gordon Liddy on our vulnerabilities.

> From: spike66 at att.net
> To: extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org
> Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2012 22:18:00 -0700
> Subject: Re: [ExI] keynes vs hayek again, was: RE: 3d printers for sale
> >... On Behalf Of Jeff Davis
> ...
> >...The US is profoundly vulnerable in a near-endless number of ways.  The
> car drone might be one of the biggies, but its just one of many.  I'm
> actually surprised it hasn't happened yet, and I hope it's because my
> thinking is somehow flawed...Best, Jeff Davis
> It isn't flawed Jeff.  The people that ponder this kind of thing have been
> thinking about possible defenses against car drones for years.  Robo-cars
> are newish, but didn't just happen last week.  When I attended the DARPA
> Grand Challenge in 2004, none of the racers finished in the required time,
> but from a controls perspective, a race through the desert is far harder
> than driving on paved roads.  
> As a controls engineer, it occurred to me, and others, that this technology
> could easily be adapted to the relatively easy task of making a supercruise
> on the freeway.  Then Sebastian Thune came along and won the next DARPA
> challenge, then gave us streetable robo-cars.  Within minutes, it was clear
> that these things could easily be made into guided weapons of enormous
> destructive capacity, and if the 1000 kg or so which can be packed into a
> Prius isn't bad enough, one could hitch on a trailer with five times that
> much.
> This horrifying attack was done with five tons of ammonium nitrate and
> nitromethane:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklahoma_City_bombing
> Car-drones are a big threat.  It might be hard to combat such a weapon.
> spike
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