[ExI] keynes vs hayek again, was: RE: 3d printers for sale

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 11:27:11 UTC 2012

On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 9:06 AM, Anders Sandberg wrote:
> The scary part is that we apparently have decided that the number of
> cyberattacks we accept per year is pretty high: the "equilibrium" might not
> be rational.

Not really 'decided'.  More like 'we have to put up with cyberattacks
until we figure out a good way to stop them'. :)

The original design of the internet did not include security as it was
really just a few friends communicating by computer. Governments are
playing 'whack a mole' to try to discourage cyberattacks. But like
drugs, the rewards can be huge for minimal risk.

Governments would like everyone to sign on with an authorised ID, so
that misbehaviour can be easily tracked back to source. That's why
smartphones are going to be your passport to everything. It's the next
best thing to having RFID chips put inside everyone. (Oooooh,
government's wet dream!).

The web needs a major redesign to enable security. Luckily it will
probably be too expensive. But if it is ever done, I guarantee you
won't like it much!


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