[ExI] Assange, Anonymous and Extraditions

Jeff Davis jrd1415 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 19:05:07 UTC 2012

My wife says I'm one sick puppy because of my fascination with
Assange.   She's right of course, and not just about Assange.

Anyway,...trying to get at the facts in this business is wonderfully
difficult, and everyone reporting or blogging or commenting is
reveling in a bacchanal of sleaze.  Party down!

For anyone interested here is some indisputably authentic/reliable
documentation in the form of the 68-page Swedish Police Protocol
(investigation report).


The truth will out, the truth wins out. Let no journalist ever again
speculate into what the protocols say. Six months of digging and the
people at Flashback have the actual documents. The sleaze printed by
rags such as the Daily Mail, Sweden's Aftonbladet and Expressen, and
perhaps above all the toxic Nick Davies of the Guardian, can stand no
more. Yet more: these documents are an indictment of the 'news
organisations' who've printed deliberate inaccuracies all along or
even worse: refused to print anything at all. Nick Davies' account of
the protocols was maliciously skewed; both Aftonbladet and Expressen
had copies early on and printed nothing. Bloggers had copies but
arrogantly kept the information to their Smeagol selves.
 - The Assange Police Protocol: Translator's Note

Note of caution: It is my preliminary impression that the website and
its non-protocol commentary have a pro-Assange spin.  Caveat emptor.

Best, Jeff Davis

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who
      said it--no matter if I have said it--unless it agrees with
           your own reason and your common sense."

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