[ExI] Assange, Anonymous and Extraditions

spike spike66 at att.net
Wed Aug 29 23:21:12 UTC 2012

>... On Behalf Of Jeff Davis
Subject: Re: [ExI] Assange, Anonymous and Extraditions

>...My wife says I'm one sick puppy because of my fascination with
Assange.   She's right of course, and not just about Assange.

Nay, me lad.  Assange isn't just about Assange.  This is important stuff.
Privacy policy matters.  Information control needs to be completely
rethought in this age when any yahoo can google up your name and find
everything of importance.  You and I are lucky in that we have options: with
a name like Jeff Davis, well let's see: Spokeo finds 3400 Jeff Davis's in
Texas alone.  Popular name down there in Dixie.

I google on Spike Jones, and find 25,700,000 hits, none of which are mine.

>... is reveling in a bacchanal of sleaze...

You almost make reveling in bacchanal of sleaze sound like a bad thing.

>...Note of caution: It is my preliminary impression that the website and
its non-protocol commentary have a pro-Assange spin.  Caveat emptor.  Best,
Jeff Davis

Ja, but it none of this about Julian Assange.  If he gets anything, the info
has already leaked, upstream of him.  Julian isn't the leaker, only an
endgame player.  The commentaries on his personality traits are completely
irrelevant.  You don't care if your newspaper editor is a difficult bastard,
ja?  Neither do I, doesn't matter.  Do explain to your bride what this
episode is really about.


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