[ExI] Low-calorie diet not linked with longevity

Stefano Vaj stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Thu Aug 30 16:37:07 UTC 2012

On 30 August 2012 17:49, Dave Sill <sparge at gmail.com> wrote:

> Seems to me that calorie restriction's effect on longevity is independent
> of any control group.

As Dr. Atkins was fond of saying (quoting by heart): "I do not know whether
to undergo severe caloric restriction would allow you to live 120 years.
But for sure it would feel like it." :-)

OTOH, what I am persuaded of, upon anedoctical but consistent evidence, is
that caloric restriction limits to some extent the adverse effects of
hi-carbo and vegetarian diets...

Stefano Vaj
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