[ExI] repercieve the economy [was: Engineering]

ablainey at aol.com ablainey at aol.com
Mon Dec 24 13:09:27 UTC 2012

Thanks for the support. Yes im familiar with the Hours/lets idea. Such alternative economy ideas were a part of my reasoning. One problem I have with them is the faith factor, same as any ad-hoc currency really.
However that is secondary to the inherent inequality of such schemes. 1 hour of a highly skilled persons time is worth more than an hour of school leaver time. Yet they have equal value in such schemes. 
It doesn't account for experience, training or innate ability. Also it doesn't address efficiency. All bad things. Possible a reason why such ideas only seem to spring up quickly in communities of similarly skilled workers and those of a socialist ilk. But don't spread like wildfire. 
As a system parallel to the economy and especially in hard time I think such things are great and have done a lot of good. I see it as a nice way to jump start local economies
but I wouldn't want to see the world run like that. too many flaws.




-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Shown <daniel at kungfuchicken.com>
To: ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Sent: Mon, 24 Dec 2012 7:07
Subject: Re: [ExI] repercieve the economy [was: Engineering]

Agreed.  Alex Blainey is on to something, and his additional clarifications and corrections of misperceptions are tantalizing.

Alex, you should develop this idea.  Perhaps in an academic paper?  Are you familiar with Ithaca Hours?

Omar, treeple and production economy as counterpoint to sheeple and consumption economy is beautiful/poetic.


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