[ExI] Women

David Lubkin lubkin at unreasonable.com
Fri Dec 28 16:18:05 UTC 2012

Anders replied:

>There is very strong empirical evidence that 
>increasing the female education level has loads 
>of good effects: not only increasing female 
>status and employment, but also decreasing birth 
>rates, increasing economic growth and so on. 
>Sprinkle in some useful ideas from feminism and 
>self-defense into the curriculum, and you would 
>likely have a quite powerful impact. See it as anti-salafism.

And how do you educate them in a society that frowns on it, where
it may be illegal or punished by the menfolk? Even nowadays in
the US, it's not solved — I had a girlfriend whose father beat her
when she said she wanted to go to college.

>But it would not be instant or high-tech.

The goal is to ascertain what might work within two generations, for
benefit of billions of women, without regard to cost or niceties.
Once there's a set of plausible solutions, real-world considerations
can come in.

Here's one thought, which won't help everywhere. Certainly not in a
wealthy misogynistic society, like Saudi Arabia. But it might be a
useful component. Take the one laptop per child project. Change
the design so that the laptops can only be used by women. Perhaps
adapting the tech that uses a laptop's camera to authenticate users.
Can we reliably enough, cross-culturally, identify human sex from a
face? (Perhaps we'd need data specific to each population the
laptops go to.)

-- David.

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