[ExI] new testing with internet access

Mike Dougherty msd001 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 18:27:00 UTC 2012

2012/2/11 spike <spike66 at att.net>:
> Here’s your challenge: how do you design a test such that it separates the
> smart applicants from the rest?  Assume internet access.

Take the cleverer parts of proprietary code written by your existing
pool of talent, ask applicants to explain it to you.  Take the top N
candidates that did a good job explaining the code and ask them to
introduce new features to the existing code.  After they've done this,
let them find (and describe) flaws in the other applicant's code.
When they're finished, you have a decision to make whether you hire
the person who wrote flawless code or the person who identified the
most potential problems in others' code.

If your test isn't for programmers, you might have a different puzzle
to solve.  Time is probably the most realistic measure of information
synthesis - sure you can have internet access, but do you know how to
get the answers more quickly/easily than anyone else?  I've seen
people browsing through pages of results rather than issuing a better
search.  That's an unproductive use of clock-time.

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