[ExI] Alzheimer's vaccine trial a success
Rafal Smigrodzki
rafal.smigrodzki at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 18:36:31 UTC 2012
On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 5:57 PM, Brian Manning Delaney
<listsb at infinitefaculty.org> wrote:
> El 2012-06-08 08:16, BillK escribió:
>> [NEWS 6 June] A study led by Karolinska Institutet reports for the
>> first time the positive effects of an active vaccine against
>> Alzheimer's disease. The new vaccine, CAD106, can prove a breakthrough
>> in the search for a cure for this seriously debilitating dementia
>> disease. The study is published in the distinguished scientific
>> journal Lancet Neurology.
>> <http://ki.se/ki/jsp/polopoly.jsp?l=en&d=130&a=145109&newsdep=130>
### This is study is useless. It does not show positive effects
against AD, merely evidence of immunization against amyloid, a form of
induced autoimmunity. All other studies of drugs using immune
mechanisms to eliminate amyloid failed (most recently bapizenumab -
another billion dollars down the drain) - so why should this one work?
Amyloid is not the cause of AD. Repeat, then repeat again, and maybe
in 10 - 20 years when the current crop of AD researchers die out, the
amyloid hypothesis will die with them.
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