[ExI] types of cars and ethics
spike66 at att.net
Sat Jul 28 02:33:07 UTC 2012
>... On Behalf Of Jeff Davis
Subject: Re: [ExI] types of cars and ethics
On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 10:31 AM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
>>... Back to the turtles for a minute. Any egregious bastard who would
intentionally flatten a turtle, oy. I propose we set up a camera down the
road from the rubber turtle and snap photos of the drivers who intentionally
kill those harmless beasts, then post them on a web page.
>...Your idea is better than mine, Spike. I figured a rubber turtle with a
caltrop inside. Run over it once, never run over it -- or a real turtle --
again. Best, Jeff Davis
Have we any US legal eagles here? If we did something like this, imagine,
we could create a perfect image, since we would know exactly where the evil
grimace would be located. The operator's face would be about 1.5 meters
above the road and about 1.5 meters to the left of the turtle. Imagine how
we could set up and pre-focus a good camera, making stunningly good photos
of some evil bastard intentionally slaying a harmless beast. Legal eagles,
what US laws, if any, do we violate if we post those in some public forum
such as evilbastards.com for some well-deserved public shame? How is it any
different from PeopleofWalmart.com? There the subjects haven't done
anything wrong nor illegal, they haven't killed anything, but rather they
just dress weird. No cruelty or actual antisocial behavior there, ja? So
if we took pictures and posted them of people flattening a turtle, are there
any possible lawsuits? I would think the first amendment would cover it.
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