[ExI] Too Much Futurism or Not Enough?

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Mon Jun 11 07:34:04 UTC 2012

On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 8:13 AM, Anders Sandberg wrote:
> There is the future as entertainment and as something that is coming real. I
> think we have ended up with far more thinking about it as entertainment, and
> it is drenching out the attempts of actually building it.

The latest proposal to send people to Mars involves funding it as a
'Big Brother' house project that advertisers will support because
millions of viewers will watch.

So the Mars explorers will have to be young nubile people will plenty
of quirks, pop culture, sexual activity but with little knowledge of
science or the outside world in general.

As one comedian remarked. 'Why do we need to actually go to the Moon
or Mars now that we have developed Photoshop?'


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