[ExI] conformal cyclic cosmology

Mike Dougherty msd001 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 11 21:53:54 UTC 2012

On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 2:55 AM, Anders Sandberg <anders at aleph.se> wrote:
> What about this picture: you look at the history of the universe while
> zooming out to ever bigger scales. First you have a fairly homogeneous big
> bang, then various structures emerge and quickly dissipate. You zoom out,
> and the state again looks just like the big bang state. So you assume they
> are the same.

I see what you mean.  (that statement implies visualization, etc.)

Another experience with this is a fractal zoomer of Mandelbrot set.
Most of the time people are zooming IN rather than out.  Depending on
the renderer there are some interesting/surprising images at extremely
wide views too.  I'm not saying the Universe is fractal (not saying it
isn't either) but the alternation of order/chaos at various scales is
pretty cool.

> The big problem IMHO with Penrose's model is that it seems to be dominated
> by Boltzman brains. Most of the minds and observations in it would be due to
> random formation due to vacuum fluctuations. So why do we see a big and
> consistent universe rather than a small and random one, despite the later
> being a far more common "observation" among the BBs than the first?


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