[ExI] Of Flying Cars and the Declining Rate of Profit

spike spike66 at att.net
Mon Jun 18 20:54:31 UTC 2012

>... On Behalf Of F. C. Moulton
Subject: Re: [ExI] Of Flying Cars and the Declining Rate of Profit

On 06/18/2012 01:03 PM, spike wrote:
>>... Fred, a person can be a libertarian while opposing SSM by being in 
> opposition to ANY legally-recognized marriage contract, regardless of 
> the gender of the participants.

>...Gilder takes the very unlibertarian stand the governments should make
marriage as between one woman and one man.   Fred

Ja, when people take the Gilder position, I ask them how do we define the
terms man and woman?  When I applied for a marriage license, no one asked to
look at my birth certificate or to drop my pants.  I am way outside my area
of expertise here, but I can easily imagine people having partial gender
reassignment surgery on their top half only.   So if the top half disagrees
with the bottom half, what is their gender?  

We had a guy at Lockheed who announced her new name, before any surgery had
taken place.  She was accepted as a woman before the visible transition was
very far along.  Hey, you produce the code, we don't care what name you call
yourself or which restroom you use.  She looks like a woman now, but of
course all I see is the top half, and I don't ask any questions.  A person's
gender is whatever they say it is.  

No answer on how we handle the high school gym shower problem.

So we are back to the Gilder question.  How do we define the terms man and


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