[ExI] Hall of Fame ideas
david pizer
pizerdavid at yahoo.com
Mon May 7 18:29:12 UTC 2012
Marta Sandberg has posted some ideas about the Cryonics Hall of Fame. They are below and I will give my relies to them below.
This discussion is timely because the Hall of Fame idea is scheduled for discussion at the Venturist Cryonics Conference the first 3 days in June with the main event being Saturday June 2nd.
Many cryonicists have wanted to establish a Hall of Fame and now may be the time to discuss how to do it.
MARTA SAID: What a fantastic idea. Some place for the cryonic movement to cluster around as well as a great
publicity opportunity. I won't be at the Venturist meeting so I will give my ideas
through this post instead.
MARTA 1: There has to be a substantial number of people to start the
Hall of Fame – the initial inductees.
Cryonics has been going for 40 years (since TransTime started) and it
would be tempting to have 40 initial inductees, but that is probably too
DAVID: One question that comes to mind, as Marta points out, is the first year do we try to induct most of the original pioneers, or just a few each year?
What would be the reasons for doing it either way, or some other way?
MARTA 2: Then every year one or two more people would be
recognised. This way we continually recognise our own as well as give us a new media opportunity every year. If that seems too much, then induct new
people every two years.
DAVID: I like the idea of doing something each year as it keeps the idea in people's minds. What would be the benefit to do it every year vs. every two years?
MARTA 3: Everybody who has a valid cryonics contract should be able
to nominate inductees and vote. Leave it up to the cryonic organisation to contact their members and invite them to
write/email you to be put on your email list.
DAVID: I agree that the cryonics community of signed up and funded cryoncists should be the ones who nominate and vote in the inductees. The only role of the Venturists would be to manage the elections to insure fairness, and also we already have a small combo museum and library which has some possibility of growing into a very larger building in the near future.
MARTA 4: Once you have a list, then ask for nominations and then put
it to the vote. If you have somebody clever enough to set up an on-line voting system, then this takes a lot of the
grunt work off your shoulders.
DAVID: We will need to think of all ways possible to allow every signed up cryoncists to nominate, discuss, research and vote. We will need some more ideas on the best way to do this.
MARTA 5: I would suggest that each voting member get the same number of votes as there are places to fill – in other words if you decide to start
with twenty initial inductees, then each person can pick their twenty favourites. With this many votes there
is less likely hood that there would be a tie, but if it happens then predetermined committee would decide who is in and who is out.
MARTA 6: Just pick up to twenty people, but not in any particular
order. Otherwise there is too much chance for complications and ranking people creates unnecessary
DAVID: We need a detailed and clear system on how this will work.
MARTA 7: You should try to tweak the rules so that people living outside
USA also gets a fair chance of being voted in. It is natural to know your own countrymen better and to be a bit biased
against outsiders. As the vast majority of cryonicists are in The States this means that overseas candidates will have
a lot of trouble in getting in. Maybe have a certain number of places reserved for overseas candidates or give a
non-American a positive handicap. For example, Peter Tsolakides and Mark Milton have done a
sterling job in starting an Australian facility but although they are well known
in Australia, people outside my wonderful country may never have heard of them.
DAVID: The Venturists have a good library with publications (containing news and historical reports) of every person ever associated with cryonics and what they have done. Once people are nominated there can be a period of several months where we put out information and others can contribute testimonials all to be given to the voters before each election.
MARTA 8: Finally, the initial bunch of inductees will probably be heavily weighted towards people who are dead, but I would like the
annual/biannual inductees to mainly involve living people. We need role models who are still alive. It doesn't mean that frozen people can't be
voted in but once you decide what sort of handicap system can be used for overseas candidates you might use the same system, but in reverse, for dead
DAVID: These ideas and new ones to be discussed on Saturday June 2nd at the Cryonics Conference and then after that on-line for a while until we agree on the terms and rules and start the project.
MARTA CONCLUSION: These are just some thought off the top of my head to start the conversation rolling
I think it is a fantastic idea. We need to start thinking about ourselves as a community with a lot more to bind us together than divides us.
MARTA AFTERTHOUGHT 1: I would like to nominate whoever came up with this idea as
one of the initial inductees in the Cryonics Hall of Fame
DAVID: You are making me blush.
MARTA AFTERTHOUGHT2: BTW, exactly where is the building situated? Arizona is a big state.
DAVID: The Society for Venturism museum and library are located at the Creekside Preserve Lodge in Mayer Arizona, about an hour's drive north of north Phoenix on the way to Prescott Arizona. We may have an invitation to move to a bigger building in a more popular cryonics site in the future. I can not discuss that at present.
People can see pictures of the Creekside Lodge at www.creeksidepreserve.com
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