[ExI] Bad news for US customers of Intrade

Alan Grimes agrimes at speakeasy.net
Wed Nov 28 01:10:44 UTC 2012

spike wrote:
>> ... On Behalf Of Adrian Tymes
>> ...The specific regulation - Dodd-Frank - was also intended to curb the
> effect of speculation on commodity prices, for instance after oil
> speculators kept getting $billions by such market manipulation, which costs
> were largely passed on by oil companies in the form of, e.g., higher gas
> prices.
> _______________________________________________
> OK so let us ignore for the moment the propriety of governments interfering
> in oil speculation, and apply the logic to their control of gold prices.
> Speculators are driving up the price of gold.  Are we to assume this is a
> bad thing?  Why?  It seems to me like it is a good thing if the price of
> gold is speculated way up, for the amount of gold is what it is.  If its
> price is artificially sent way up, then we create money.  Perhaps
> governments want to keep that capability to themselves.  But governments
> hold huge reserves of gold, so they would benefit from speculators driving
> up the price.

The government reserves for itself the power to manipulate the price of 
gold for the purpose of obscuring the effects of inflation as the US 
dollar moves into the terminal phase of its inevitable collapse. (Yes, 
the dollar was intended to collapse at around this time beginning 99 
years ago, btw, when is the federal reserve act up for renewal?)


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