[ExI] riots again

Mirco Romanato painlord2k at libero.it
Sat Oct 6 18:07:30 UTC 2012

Il 06/10/2012 17:17, Tomaz Kristan ha scritto:
>  > If you want to reduce death tolls, focus on self-driving cars.
> Instead of answering terror attacks, just mend you cars?
> What kind of a perverse logic is this?

It is the logic of ignoring a problem when the solution is not of your 

Given the problem at hand, Charlie and others are unable to give any 
solution coherent with their ideological commitments, so they give 
solution to other problems and try to make the problem at hand something 

The problem is not 9/11 or the terrorists attacks before it, but the 
overreaction of the US. Apparently only the US overreact. All other 
governments just react to US overreaction.

It is a common occurrence with people never bearing the costs of their 
moral stances. The best way to deal with this is to reroute the full 
costs of their policies to them. They reconsider their stances near 


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