[ExI] Fermi Paradox and Transcension
pharos at gmail.com
Wed Sep 5 10:19:17 UTC 2012
IEET have a long article suggesting that the future of all
civilisations is to 'transcend' and live inside black hole domains.
(When I am feeling optimistic, this is my preferred explanation of the
Fermi paradox).
Species convergence in the sense of a non-identical, dynamic
progression towards universal milestones is of critical importance to
Smart’s next suggestion; rather than advanced civilisations seeding
the galaxy in a process of expansion, evolutionary development guides
intelligent life increasingly into inner space and what is referred to
as STEM, small scales of space, time, energy and matter that
eventually lead to black hole like domains.
Rejecting the Kardashev scale as a meaningful measure for civilisation
Smart goes on to support John D. Barrow’s scale of particle
manipulation as a more appropriate indicator. In the Barrow scale a
civilisation is assessed based on the spatial localisation of their
engineering; the ability to miniaturise increasingly dense, efficient
and complex structures down to Planck-scale limits. STEM compression
rather than energy consumption becomes the key factor in judging the
level of development, from the manipulation of genes and molecules
down to the level of elementary particles and the fabric of space time
If you are part of a civilisation which has utilised all STEM
resources to create a super dense, super efficient computational
substrate, commonly referred to as ‘computronium’, you may
increasingly find the rest of the universe too slow and
informationally dull relative to you.
At the heart of the transcension hypothesis lies the belief that the
accelerating leading edge of computational abilities and our ability
to access STEM densities and efficiencies, must in some way be
representative of the developmental processes of our universe. The
more computationally complex a system becomes, whether this system is
biological or mechanical in nature, the more STEM efficient and STEM
dense becomes its physical substrate.
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