[ExI] Fermi Paradox and Transcension
spike66 at att.net
Wed Sep 5 13:28:09 UTC 2012
On Behalf Of Anders Sandberg
On 05/09/2012 11:19, BillK wrote:
>>... IEET have a long article suggesting that the future of all
> civilisations is to 'transcend' and live inside black hole domains.
>...The silence in the sky is surprisingly talkative, but it is unclear what
it is saying. -Anders Sandberg
Anders, if this were Readers Digest, that comment would be in 36 point font
at the top of the Quotable Quotes section.
That would go up on the wall of my office, if I still had an office.
Regarding John Smart's studies in this area, I didn't know until today he
was working on it. I came to a similar conclusion a decade ago when we were
working out the mechanics of Matrioshka Brains. The theory was that the
period of time between the formation of a interstellar communications
technologically enabled civilization and its creating an MBrain is
relatively short, perhaps only a few centuries. The MBrain has little
motive to talk to the rest of us, for all the real action happens inside the
MBrain. Everything outside is too slow and too far away to be of any
interest. Result: the cosmic silent treatment.
I still think it is a reasonable theory.
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