[ExI] Power sats as weapons

spike spike66 at att.net
Sun Sep 9 00:29:22 UTC 2012

>... On Behalf Of Adrian Tymes
Subject: Re: [ExI] Power sats as weapons

On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 12:49 PM, Anders Sandberg <anders at aleph.se> wrote:
>>... Mutually assured destruction is based on the idea that if you defect, 
> the other side can make it so costly that it would be irrational to 
> have defected in the first place. And vice versa.

>...A practical problem that has been pointed out: once someone does defect,
if they do it in such a way that you have time & ability to make a decision
after seeing their move, is it always the case that defecting is better than
surrendering?  The payoff matrix isn't exactly Prisoner's Dillema here:
living under someone else's boot may be preferable to not living.

No way, Jose.  Live free or die, better dead than red.

The problem I see is that both the capitalists and the commies have evolved
and converged to the point where there is surprisingly little difference
between the two now.  No real enemies, no need for the enormous military
establishment and all the support structure below it, and now we can't
figure out what to do with all the technical talent we spawned while we
imagined a big scary adversary on the other side of the globe.  The big
scary adversaries can't figure out what to do with their warrior class
either.  Neither side can escape the paradoxes introduced by the apparent
observation that full employment and strong economies rely on humanity's
egregiously wasting our materials, efforts and talent. 


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