[ExI] Fermi Paradox and Transcension
Stefano Vaj
stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Wed Sep 12 12:29:13 UTC 2012
On 11 September 2012 21:36, Jeff Davis <jrd1415 at gmail.com> wrote:
> The problem originates in the inherent conflict between the
> constraints on behavior imposed by an ethical system, and and the
> pursuit of naked self-interest. Social groupings in primates, herding
> animals, fish, birds, others, evolved because they enhance survival.
> Ethical behavior evolved within such groupings because it enhances the
> stability of the group.
There again, I think that one thing is ethology - which we can expect
to be the result of Darwinian and/or Game Theory pressures - and
The only thing which can be said is that having *one* ethical system
or other, and to comply with it at least sometimes, is probably better
than not. Same as languages. Given that otherwise they would have gone
extinct a long time ago. Similarly, in our species defectors' strategy
must be sometimes viable and plausible, since otherwise *the
defectors* (ie, "immoral people") would regularly go extinct - as it
is probably the case with, say, ants.
Again, societies with a smaller number of defectors should enjoy some
edge over those with a higher number of defectors (people giving
preference to their naked interest over social norms and group
interest), and they probably do, but this does not appear enough to
prevent the survival, or the reappearing, of societies which may
profit from other competitive traits.
The fact remains nevertheless that most ethical systems in history
have much to say on much broader issues than conflicts of interest
between the individual and the group. To respect the memory of
defuncts in the secret of your hearts, or to avoid masturbating, or to
be brave rather than cowardly even if no public or private interest is
at stake, or to practice an ascetic lifestyle while in hermitage, are
easy examples of precepts having entered actual ethical systems even
though they do not pertain in the least to transactional fairness or
group interest.
Stefano Vaj
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