[ExI] Religions are not the ultimate cause of war

Stefano Vaj stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 15:06:01 UTC 2012

On 13 September 2012 16:46, John Clark <johnkclark at gmail.com> wrote:

> > The US is facing bleak times with 46 million surviving on food stamps
> Yes they are barely surviving,  a sizable minority of them are morbidly
> obese.

Somebody used to say: The difference between poor countries and rich
countries is that in pour countries the poor are thinner than the rich, in
rich countries is the opposite.

Because they are not so much into caloric restriction but rather into a
carbo-based diet, often supplemented by a quite sedentary lifestyle. A
debatable advantage...

Stefano Vaj
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