[ExI] riots again
John Clark
johnkclark at gmail.com
Mon Sep 24 16:35:02 UTC 2012
On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 Jeff Davis <jrd1415 at gmail.com> wrote:
> The last ten years of the West vs Islam has left the West with a default
> anti-Muslim bias.
Yes, but its not as strong a anti-Muslim bias as I'd like, and I wish the
West had a similar anti-Christian bias.
> Muslim = bad has thus become the uncritical "neutral" view
As rules of thumb go that one isn't bad.
> Then some clown insults their most sacred cultural symbol,
When Monty Python insulted the most sacred cultural symbol of the West 30
years ago with their movie "The Life of Brian" did homicidal American mobs
attack the British Embassy and murder the ambassador? No, instead people
who didn't like the movie just gave it bad reviews because they were
something called *civilized*. And by the way, anybody on this list who has
not seen that wonderful movie should hang their head in shame.
> and some folk -- I won't name names -- say "Look at these uncivilized
> people!
I say "LOOK AT THESE UNCIVILIZED PEOPLE!" and my name is John K Clark. It
just amazes me that people, even people on this list, continue to make lame
excuses for these murderous nincompoops.
> Give me a break.
John K Clark
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