[ExI] riots again
Mirco Romanato
painlord2k at libero.it
Mon Sep 24 19:47:03 UTC 2012
Il 24/09/2012 10:55, Charlie Stross ha scritto:
> On 24 Sep 2012, at 04:59, Giovanni Santostasi <gsantostasi at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Note that throughout the middle east, there has been NO tradition of
> free speech in living memory.
There is no tradition of free speech ever.
What Islam doesn't like, Islam burn (the books and the people writing them).
> State censorship is ubiquitous, because the dictatorships the west
> encouraged (and I include the USSR in "the west" in this context --
> communism is an ideology rooted in western enlightenment ideas)
> wanted to stamp out opposition.
If you consider "state censorship" the Ulema's decrees, I agree.
Always remember, in Islam there is no separation of state and church.
A Mosque is a place where people pray, adjudicate law, hear political
There is no freedom of conscience.
> Consequently, we're dealing with people who have grown up KNOWING
> that any publication whatsoever MUST HAVE BEEN APPROVED BY A
I never rioted when some idiot with a turban declared, in a mosque, they
would conquer, "manu militari", Rome because their pedo prophet said so.
> Therefore they see an insulting film and they *know* without being
> told that it was organized and approved by the US state censors.
Even if they think so, rioting, killing, etc. is blatantly wrong just
for "insulting".
> It's going to take more than a generation to break them of this
> habit, and in the meantime we're all in for a bumpy ride.
The operative word there is "breaking".
They need breaking and they will be broken in many different ways.
The US (and other westerns) military campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan
are the initial and most gentle part of the breaking they will
experience. They establish the impossibility to reform Islam from inside
or outside in any civilized way minimizing the blood shed and the
futility to help them.
My opinion is the Ummah will continue with its tantrum fits until they
piss someone off seriously. 9/11 was not a serious piss off it was like
someone slapped out of the blue without understanding why.
A serious piss off is when the Second Conjecture of Wretchard is activated.
Just now, the Western World is experiencing an economic and political
turning point and there will be a lot of pain to endure. The same
economic turning point in the Middle East will be socially and
demographically wreaking. And no one will lend a hand to them. Good will
is nearly exhausted.
Do you think the US will continue to give Egypt 2 billions/year of
economic help? Or Europe is interested in accepting a new wave of
economic migrants unwilling to integrate?
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