[ExI] riots again
spike66 at att.net
Tue Sep 25 16:51:13 UTC 2012
>> It just amazes me that people, even people on this list, continue to make
lame excuses for these murderous nincompoops.
> US murders and murders by proxy.
I had an idea which may solve some of these kinds of problems:
In order for things like the Innocence video to have any impact, it would
need to be translated. So round up all those who translated the video and
try them for blasphemy, which they would necessarily have committed in order
to translate the blasphemy. The number of videos translated would instantly
drop dramatically, problem solved.
In many Middle West nations, the legal system is burdened by those who would
falsely accuse a local citizen of blasphemy in order to get that person
executed. Solution: at the trial, call the person accused of blasphemy to
the witness stand and explain that if the accusation stands, the penalty is
death, therefore their testimony is considered a deathbed confession.
Likewise any counter-accusation they might make would be considered a
deathbed accusation, both considered reliable evidence. The accused then
has the option of naming her own accusers as blasphemers, at which time the
penalty is carried out immediately upon the counter-accused. The original
accused blasphemer would then need to be released on grounds of insufficient
evidence, for the original accusers are all too dead to testify, problem
Another angle: if the case against the accused blasphemer fails for any
reason to result in a conviction, such as lack of video or audio evidence,
then all the accusers can be convicted of attempted murder. Of course the
attempted murderers would not have the option of a deathbed accusation, for
this would be considered attempted murder, which validates the penalty
against the original accusers, problem solved.
It might not even require hanging anyone: merely announcing publicly the
change in policy might be sufficient.
Blasphemy cases making it to court would drop dramatically, most likely to
zero, problem solved.
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