[ExI] riots again
pharos at gmail.com
Thu Sep 27 09:15:26 UTC 2012
On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Charlie Stross wrote:
> I'd just like to call that statement out for the Iron Cross first class with Oak Leaves for grotesque,
> vile, inhumanity on stilts.
> Hint: some of us are old enough that our parents lived through the second stage of the Blitz on London,
> complete with bomdardment by drones (the V-1). Here's Clive Stafford-Smith with an explanation of
> what this stuff *really* means, in terms that might hopefully make it explicable to a westerner:
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/sep/25/drones-wests-terror-weapons-doodlebugs-1
> Second hint: the US media are not covering what's actually going on out there, because news of
> family parties of brown-skinned people being turned into hamburger isn't good filler for selling advertising.
I agree wholeheartedly. I was going to respond similarly, but I had
one of those 'Where do I start?' moments.
This US site does a similar report.
Children and adults wake screaming in the night, others are reduced to
a state of debilitating listlessness. Group meetings to settle
disputes — Jirgas — have traditionally served as a social lubricant in
Waziristan. No longer, since people know that any gathering beyond two
people might draw the attention of the targeteers. The dead, even when
there enough recognizable body parts to collect, must be buried
without benefit of a proper funeral. Drivers necessary to transport
people and goods are reluctant to take to the roads. Since schools
have been targets in the past, few children are being educated.
Wedding parties and other social gatherings have become too dangerous
to celebrate. The death of so many adult male breadwinners has reduced
many families to total destitution.
It is hell on earth out there.
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