[ExI] proto-bitcoin
spike at rainier66.com
Thu Apr 18 21:28:48 UTC 2013
From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Anders Sandberg
There is not even any point in being a geek if one cannot be weird.
Yeah, mainstream geekery is so bland.
>.Sometimes I feel like a hipster: "I was a transhumanist before it was
Anders, I feel like a hipster for having been friends with you BEFORE you
were a professor.
>. these ideas are no longer very weird. Obviously we need to weird out
more. Tomorrow I will give a talk about the future of enhancement. What is
the strangest enhancements we can envision that seem remotely possible given
current science?
Anders Sandberg,
Agreed. We need to further explore a concept I mentioned a couple weeks
ago: the use of currently available mobile bandwidth to Borg ourselves. So
far the capability has mostly been used in gaming, but even that is
encouraging: so many important business and societal advancement starts out
with gaming. In a sense the Mersenne prime search was just a game, at least
for those of us who take it seriously. I wanted that particular
proto-bitcoin, my own Mersenne prime. I would have paid about the price of
a new midsized car for one.
We need to think of some kind of task, even if it is a made-up gamey kind of
thing, for demonstration purposes, where we get people to sign up with some
kind of pooled ability of some sort. Then we create this big smeared out
super-organism that goes around communicating in some cryptic way and
getting that task done. For instance, suppose there is some kind of noxious
weed, where we learn to identify that and report its location, then yank it
up for instance. We get reputation points or something for scoring that
weed. Other ideas?
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