[ExI] Digital Consciousness .

Kelly Anderson kellycoinguy at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 16:54:05 UTC 2013

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 9:15 AM, Brent Allsop <brent.allsop at canonizer.com>wrote:

> Hi Stathis,
> (And Kelly Anderson, tell me if given what we've covered, does the below
> make sense to you?)
> It is not a 'proof' that abstracted computers can be conscious.  It
> completely ignores many theoretical possible realities. For example
> Material Property Dualism is one of many possible theories that proves this
> is not a 'proof".
> There is now an "idealized effing theory" world described in the Macro
> Material Property Dualism camp: http://canonizer.com/topic.asp/88/36 .

I would fall in the camp of Functional Property Dualism, I think. Unless
there is some other camp that is even more explicit.
> In that theoretically possible world, it is the neurotransmitter glutamate
> that has the element redness quality.  In this theoretical world Glutamate
> causally behaves the way it does, because of it's redness quality.  Yet
> this causal behavior reflects 'white' light, and this is why we think of it
> has having a 'whiteness' quality.  But of course, that is the classic
> example of the quale interpretation problem (see:
> http://canonizer.com/topic.asp/88/28 ).  If we interpret the causal
> properties of something with a redness quality to it, and represent our
> knowledge of such with something that is qualitatively very different, we
> are missing and blind to what is important about the qualitative nature of
> glutamate, and why it behaves the way it does.

I don't believe that. I believe "redness" is an emergent illusion
constructed by the brain in software, and has as much to do with the
glutamate as Word has to do with Accumulators and Assembly.

> So, let's just forget about the redness quality for a bit, and just talk
> about the real fundamental causal properties of glutamate in this
> theoretical idealizing effing world.  In this world, the brain is
> essentially a high fidelity detector of real glutamate.  The only time the
> brain will say: "Yes, that is my redness quality" is when real glutamate,
> with it's real causal properties are detected.  Nothing else will produce
> that answer, except real fundamental glutamate.

I totally disagree, but I do understand your position better.

> Of course, as described in Chalmers' paper, you can also replace the
> system that is detecting the real glutamate, with an abstracted system that
> has appropriate hardware translation levels for everything that is being
> interpreted as being real causal properties of real glutamate, so once you
> do this, this system, no matter what hardware it is running on, can be
> thought of, or interpreted as acting like it is detecting real glutamate.

Correct. And that's as "real" as the other in my mind.

> But, of course, that is precisely the problem, and how this idea is
> completely missing what is important.  And this theory is falsifiably
> predicting the alternate possibility he describes in that paper.  it is
> predicting you'll have some type of 'fading quale', at least until you
> replace all of what is required, to interpret something very different than
> real consciousness, as consciousness.

If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, who is to say that it is
not a duck?

> It is certainly theoretically possible, that the real causal properties of
> glutamate are behaving the way they do, because of it's redness quality.
> And that anything else that is being interpreted as the same, can be
> interpreted as such - but that's all it will be.  An interpretation of
> something that is fundamentally, and possibly qualitatively, very different
> than real glutamate.

As Spike says, if it is qualitatively different, but still delivers me a
Big Mac when I order it, I'm good with that for many purposes.

> This one theoretical possibility, thereby, proves Chalmers' idea isn't a
> proof that abstracted computers have these phenomenal qualities, only that
> they can be thought of, or interpreted as having them.

I'm of the camp that will believe something has consciousness when it says
it does, and when it acts in every way as if it does. Good enough for me. I
guess that puts me in a different cannon?

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