[ExI] epic fail videos save lives
spike at rainier66.com
Mon Apr 29 20:22:32 UTC 2013
From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Anders Sandberg
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 11:56 AM
To: extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org
Subject: Re: [ExI] epic fail videos save lives
On 29/04/2013 19:23, spike wrote:
Thanks Epic Fails. Your pain and suffering is not in vain.
>.Really good point!
>."Dont try this at home" followed by a cool result is much more dangerous
than somebody saying it and then walking into a combine harvester. --
Anders Sandberg,
Ja! The don't-try-this-at-homers always proceed to show some fun successful
stunt, and of course you want to try it at home. You never see someone say
don't try this at home, then proceed to mangle themselves or others, never.
I do confess, these videos make me nostalgic for my own misspent teenage
years. Wouldn't it be cool to be able to take some of the falls shown here
and be able to get right up and shout obscenities? I would really like
having the bone flexibility to do that, rather than being hauled off by an
ambulance to spend the next three days in intensive care:
So entertaining is the misguided youth who takes a fall on his skateboard,
then jumps to the stunningly illogical conclusion that it was somehow all
the skateboard's fault, and so proceeds to the subsequently still more
absurd conclusion that the hapless skateboard should be disciplined by
whacking a light pole with it, at which time the goof takes yet another
fall. I have a hard time even writing about that silly fool without
laughing. Clearly he has contributed to the education of countless youth
regarding the advisability in punishing one's skateboard.
Final thought: the internet never forgets. My own youthful stunts are long
forgotten, but this idiot's grandchildren may someday be able to pull up
this video from the dusty digital archives.
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