[ExI] "Crypto Coin Law" vs "Law of the Crypto Coin"?

Gordon gts_2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 9 11:13:30 UTC 2013

Mirco Romanato <painlord2k at libero.it> wrote:

I wrote: 

"We still don't know if Bitcoin will become widely accepted as a currency, for example."

Brent wrote:

"There is too many people that want some kind of crypto currency to work,
 for obvious rational reasons, and the number of people in this camp is
 growing.  There are just way too many good things about it,
 necessitating this growth in popularity in some kind of crypto currency."

Mirco wrote:

"In fact, I believe this.
But this cause a trend, not show a law.
People wants can change, laws can not change."

I agree, Mirco. The prospects for bitcoin are good, and like you I am long bitcoin, but Brent needs to rid himself of this silly idea of a supposed "Law of Bitcoin." It's one of the stupidest ideas I've ever seen on ExI.

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