[ExI] Buy! Buy! Buy! (Bitcoin again)

Stathis Papaioannou stathisp at gmail.com
Thu Dec 19 01:22:10 UTC 2013

On 19 December 2013 11:23, Brent Allsop <brent.allsop at canonizer.com> wrote:
> Stathis,
> I know some of the most brilliant and productive entrepreneurs in the US
> that are thinking of leaving the US, and taking their new Bitcoin start ups
> with them, to places like Canada and Europe, where they are more
> definitively accepting of Bitcoin than the US, who is basically still
> ignoring it (making it very difficult to do Bitcoin Business here).  Also,
> since China has banned it, I bet a significant amount of capital, and
> entrepreneurial brains, are already leaving China very fast, for greener
> pastures.  Even if the US and Europe tried to join China and ban it,
> countries like South Africa, where they are welcoming it, will similarly
> welcome all the capital and entrepreneurs to their shores, as they flee all
> centrally controlled anti free states.  Capital always flows to where it is
> treated the best.  It'll be interesting to see how long it takes centrally
> controlled places like China to see this, and the damage they are doing to
> their own country, and it will also be interesting to see how many other
> countries attempt the same thing, and for how long.  And how much those
> states that ban it drop in per capita income, during that time, compared to
> I would expect explosive growth in free states.
> I think china banning it is the greatest thing that could happen to the west
> and all more free nations.  Not to mention, I plan on making another
> significant purchase of Bitcoin, come Jan 1st, from my pre tax IRA, so I can
> invest the taxes I'll owe for 18 months, before I have to pay them.  So this
> drop is price will double the amount of bitcoins I'll now be able to get.  I
> bet lots of People in the US, are planning on doing the same thing, come Jan
> 1st. I'm going to do my best to beat the rush.

Brent, you may be right, but if if a large market bans iPhones, the
price of Apple shares will fall.

Stathis Papaioannou

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