[ExI] head transplants

spike spike at rainier66.com
Thu Jul 11 01:08:05 UTC 2013

>... Behalf Of Mike Dougherty
Subject: Re: [ExI] head transplants

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 8:43 PM, Adrian Tymes <atymes at gmail.com> wrote:
>>... Since the legal/medical precedent considers brain death to be death,
you'd have the head's property only.

>...Though by "Finder's Keepers" you'd have the body's wallet.

The functional human gets the head donor's hats and dental work, and also
owns the body donor's piercings and jewelry.

The whole question gives entirely new meaning to the phrase "She gave him
head."  For that matter, it also rather redefines the notion "If you will
take good care of my children, I will give you my body."

This actually has implications for cryonics, when a patient has an
inoperable brain tumor, such as at the brain stem.  The patient would have
her cancerous but still operational head preserved, donate her perfectly
good body to some patient with pancreatic or other cancer that cannot be
treated.  Ideally we want the two donors to be opposite gender: not that
there is any really compelling scientific reason, I just have always
wondered what that would be like.

Evolution, I love this place.  These are the kinds of threads which have
kept me hanging out at ExI-chat for over 17 years now.


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