[ExI] sanity and connectedness, was: RE: list test

David Lubkin lubkin at unreasonable.com
Mon Jul 29 15:07:39 UTC 2013

Spike wrote:

>I want that, only I want Google Glass (or 
>equivalent) to identify the beast and do some 
>kind of image recognition and find the site, 
>then tell me the information in my ear so my 
>eyes are free to observe and my hands are free 
>to manage the camera.  I want to have something 
>analogous to a really well-informed entomology 
>professor with me at all times, only better: I 
>want one who can hike as well as I can, and see 
>as well as I can, but be a thousand times 
>smarter about bugs.  That’s all I really 
>want.  When we get that, it will be the next 
>step, equivalent to how it was when we first got 
>the web.  Now you computer jockeys and internet hipsters, how do I get that?

Easy. Ask me to introduce you to my sister, the 
entomologist. But don't get fresh; she's married 
to a combat veteran twice your size.

Now, I realize you have curiosities beyond 
entomology. But the solution generalizes. There 
are twelve more of us siblings, and our expertise has little overlap.

Being a little less silly for a moment, I think 
it's likely that any question you might have with 
a known answer can be answered by someone in your 
extended network. While I'm a big fan of recorded 
knowledge — the sagging of my floors alone will 
confirm this — and automated search, being able 
to tap a billion minds in near-realtime is pretty powerful.

I suppose at some point the distinction may disappear.

-- David.

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