[ExI] spanish train wreck

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Mon Jul 29 16:16:15 UTC 2013

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 4:44 PM, spike wrote:
> OK old news, but this morning is the first I have heard of the tragic train
> wreck in Spain.  I don't understand: we have GPS, the track never changes.
> How simple would it be to rig up trains with some kind of device which
> doesn't allow a train to go faster than it can get around an upcoming curve?
> That would be a simple controls algorithm, would automatically make it safe
> from malicious train operators who wanted to use the device to slay
> infidels, or train operators that are drunk, are texting, are racing, are
> stupid, or a train operator who fell asleep at the switch or has some
> medical condition caused her to slump forward over the controls and push it
> to full steam ahead.  Sheesh, this slew 79 proles and injured many others,
> when a fix is simple.

Yes, they know that. There are various signalling systems installed
around Europe.
But there are problems at that particular site.
The BBC has a good write-up.

It looks as though a combination of circumstances and a few moments
inattention from the driver was enough to cause the crash.


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