[ExI] Digital Jeeves

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Tue Jul 30 17:04:35 UTC 2013

On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 5:46 PM, Adrian Tymes  wrote:
> Careful about that "guilty until proven innocent".  It's a very small step
> from there to, for example, holding their manufacturers responsible for
> monitoring your house 24/7 even if they never agreed to it, and thus to
> holding them liable should a burglary occur and the police weren't
> immediately called.
> Some digital Jeeveses could be spying on you.  The potential is there.
> That's different from relying on them to do so.

'potential?????  Is 83% potential enough?


 Highlights from the App Reputation Report are:

� Overall, 83% of the most popular apps are associated with security
risks and privacy issues.
� 95% of the top free apps and 77.5% of the top paid apps exhibited at
least one risky behavior.
� 78% of the most popular free Android apps identify the user's ID
(UDID). - enabling tracking
� Even though Apple prohibits its developers from accessing the UDID,
5.5% of the tested iOS apps still do.
� 72% of the top free apps track for the user's location, compared to
41% of paid apps.

If you're on the web assume you are being tracked, recorded and analysed.


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