[ExI] Bitcion Moore's Law?
Brent Allsop
brent.allsop at canonizer.com
Mon Jun 24 04:40:40 UTC 2013
The new version of the "Canonized Law of the Crypto Coin" camp
predicting future values of Bitcion just went live. It includes help
from experts including Joshua Seims, Micro Rominato, and a growing
number of others.
It's predicting a continued Moore's Law like 100% / year growth, for the
foreseeable future, which will result in All Bitcions being worth more
than all Gold around 2025.
I'd love to know if any of you think anything contained in that camp
statement is in any way, irrational, or not completely believable by any
of you?
And if you think differently, what do you believe, why, and most
importantly, how many experts agree with you?
We'll be judging the quality of each expert's predictions, about when
the next order of magnitude of growth in value will be achieved, and
using that to better predict when future orders of magnitude will be
achieved, and so on for this crypto currency expert survey topic.
Brent Allsop
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