[ExI] Mathematical Help with Bitcoin historical curve future projection? (was re: Long Term Bitcoin Catastrophe)
Mirco Romanato
painlord2k at libero.it
Tue Jun 25 18:39:51 UTC 2013
Il 24/06/2013 21:37, spike ha scritto:
> (Mirco the original question wasn't entirely serious. {8-] )
> Ps What is serious to me is the California government's attitude towards
> Bitcoin. They are acting as though they feel very threatened by the whole
> concept. Note that California has its own income tax and is heavily
> dependent on that for its current revenue structure. California and the US
> government will be watching with an electron microscope any technology that
> might allow a prole to sidestep that tax structure. We saw this in the dot
> com bubble of the 1990s: plenty of local companies were starting up and
> paying its employees in stock options plus some nominal stipend which was
> only enough to pay the rent on some micro-apartment and not even enough to
> pay for groceries. The startups themselves would often supply all the free
> food on site the proles wanted to devour. Consequence: there were a number
> of young, single, talented, optimistic and idealistic employees who would
> eat three squares a day at the office, go home only to sleep, spend the rest
> of the time coding their brains out. If the product succeeded, the stock
> options were worth a fortune, otherwise nothing.
IANAL warning
Bitcoin are money so, in my opinion, they should be taxable income as
if the guy is pain € or yen or gold.
If you have time to watch the many interesting video of Bitcoin 2013 in
San Jose on YouTube, you could see a very boring (but very useful) talk
about Bitcoin and taxes from an expert.
The Internet Archive pay some of its employees in Bitcoin. They just
have an internal ATM where employees can exchange part of their paycheck
in Bitcoin. The Internet Archive also incorporated as a Credit Union.
For now, the FinCen is interested only in the interface between US$ and
BTC. They are not interested in people paying groceries with BTC, just
with people exchanging US$ for BTC and the reverse.
Anyway, there are forces at work that can solve many of these problems:
Dan Dascalescu - Blueseed Ship - Bitcoin 2013 Conference
Edan Yago - The World's First Cryptocurrency-based Political Zone -
Bitcoin 2013
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