[ExI] Energy boom in USA
Eugen Leitl
eugen at leitl.org
Tue Mar 19 07:45:30 UTC 2013
On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 02:56:56PM -0700, Max More wrote:
> Interesting.
Unfortunately, it's a flash in a pan, and a very costly mistake.
See The Oil drum http://www.theoildrum.com -- and Nature
Energy: A reality check on the shale revolution
J. David Hughes
Nature 494, 307–308 (21 February 2013) doi:10.1038/494307a
Published online 20 February 2013
The production of shale gas and oil in the United States is overhyped and the
costs are underestimated, says J. David Hughes.
Subject terms:
Solid Earth sciences Policy Technology
The 'shale revolution' — the extraction of gas and oil from previously
inaccessible reservoirs — has been declared an energy game changer. It is
offsetting declines in conventional oil and gas production, with shale gas
being heralded as a transition fuel to a low-carbon future, and shale oil as
being capable of reinstating the United States as the largest oil producer in
the world, eliminating the need for foreign imports.
These heady claims have been largely accepted by government forecasters,
including the International Energy Agency1 and the US Energy Information
Administration (EIA). The oil firm BP predicts that production of shale gas
will treble and shale oil — also known as 'tight oil' — will grow sixfold
from 2011 levels by 2030 (ref. 2).
Gas being burnt off at the Bakken shale oil field in North Dakota as a
by-product of oil extraction.
The claims do not stand up to scrutiny. In a report published this week by
the Post Carbon Institute3 in Santa Rosa, California, I analyse 30 shale-gas
and 21 tight-oil fields (or 'plays') in the United States, and reveal that
the shale revolution will be hard to sustain. The study is based on data for
65,000 shale wells from a production database that is widely used in industry
and government. It shows that well and field productivities exhibit steep
declines. Production costs in many shale-gas plays exceed current gas prices,
and maintaining production requires ever-increasing drilling and the capital
input to support it.
Although the extraction of shale gas and tight oil will continue for a long
time at some level, production is likely to be below the exuberant forecasts
from industry and government. I see supplies of shale gas declining
substantially in the next decade unless prices rise considerably. A more
realistic debate around shale gas and tight oil is urgently needed — one that
accounts for the fundamentals of production in terms of sustainability, cost
and environmental impact.
Shale gas
Two technologies — horizontal drilling coupled with large-scale, multi-stage
hydraulic fracturing (fracking) — have made it possible to extract
hydrocarbons trapped in impermeable rocks (see Nature 477, 271–275; 2011). In
2004, less than 10% of US wells were horizontal; today, the figure is 61%.
Most shale-gas production worldwide is in North America, although pilot
projects are being conducted in many countries. Production has been on a
plateau since early 2012 after a period of sharp growth. Shale gas has risen
from about 2% of US gas production in 2000 to nearly 40% in 2012 (ref. 3);
overall US gas production grew by 25% over the same period. The resulting
supply glut drove US gas prices down severely. Prices have since recovered
slightly but remain too low for many shale-gas plays without liquids
production to be economically viable.
Large-scale shale-gas production was initiated in the Barnett Shale formation
a decade ago, and it spread quickly to other areas. Five plays produce 80% of
US shale gas (listed from highest to lowest output): Haynesville in
Louisiana, Barnett in east Texas, Marcellus (which spans West Virginia,
Pennsylvania and New York), Fayetteville in Arkansas and Woodford in
A pattern of events has emerged. When a play is discovered, a leasing frenzy
ensues. This is followed by a drilling boom because the lease assignments,
often 3–5 years long, can be terminated if the site is not producing gas.
Sweet spots — small areas with high productivity — are identified and drilled
off first, with marginal areas targeted next. Average well quality (as
determined by initial productivity) rises at first and then declines.
In four of the top five shale-gas plays, average well productivity has been
falling since 2010 (see 'Top five shale plays'). In the Haynesville play, an
average well delivered almost one-third less gas in 2012 than in 2010. The
exception is the Marcellus: supply is rising in this young, large play as
sweet spots are still being found and exploited.
Wells decline rapidly within a few years. Those in the top five US plays
typically produced 80–95% less gas after three years. In my view, the
industry practice of fitting hyperbolic curves to data on declining
productivity, and inferring lifetimes of 40 years or more, is too optimistic.
Existing production histories are a few years at best, and thus are
insufficient to substantiate such long lifetimes for wells. Because
production declines more steeply than these models typically suggest, the
method often overestimates ultimate recoveries and economic performance (see
go.nature.com/kiamlk). The US Geological Survey's recovery estimates are less
than half of those sometimes touted by industry4.
New wells must be drilled to maintain supply. In the Haynesville play, almost
800 wells — nearly one-third of those that were active in 2012 — must be
added each year to keep shale-gas output at 2012 levels. With capital costs
of around US$9 million per well, drilling to keep production flat costs some
$7 billion a year. Full costs, including leasing, infrastructure and
interest, are even higher3.
Across the United States, this equates to 7,200 wells at a cost of more than
$42 billion annually, simply to offset declines in production3. This
investment by drilling companies — to sustain production to prop up share
prices — is not covered by sales. In 2012, US shale gas generated just $33
billion (although some wells also produced substantial liquid hydrocarbons,
which improved economics). To break even in shale-gas plays without liquids
production, gas prices would have to rise5.
Shale gas thus requires large amounts of capital from industry to maintain
production6. Over time, the best shale plays and their sweet spots are
drilled off, so the costs of keeping up supply will increase. Much of current
shale-gas production is uneconomic, and will require higher gas prices just
to maintain production, let alone increase it.
Tight oil
The story is similar for tight oil. Two plays produce 81% of US tight oil —
Eagle Ford in south Texas and the Bakken in North Dakota and Montana. The
productivity of new wells in both areas drops by about 60% after one year,
levelling out to less than 40% in the second year, less than 30% in the third
year and so on. Overall field decline, which combines the productivity of
older and newer wells, is about 40% per year3.
The ultimate output of these plays depends on the maximum number of available
drilling locations. Wells cannot be drilled too close together because they
drain the same reservoir volume, which increases costs and does not improve
recovery. The EIA estimates that the Bakken and Eagle Ford plays can host
almost three times the current number of wells, or nearly 12,000 each3, 7.
Assuming that the Bakken's current drilling rate of 1,500 wells a year is
maintained, my analysis predicts that its production could rise to nearly 1
million barrels of oil a day. Given the EIA estimates of the maximum number
of available drilling locations in the Bakken, however, I suggest that
production will peak by 2017, when available well sites are exhausted, and
then fall by 40% a year. I disagree with those who maintain that the Bakken's
production can stay at that high level for many years — this would require
thousands more wells than would fit8.
Long view
Governments and industry must recognize that shale gas and oil are not cheap
or inexhaustible: 70% of US shale gas comes from fields that are either flat
or in decline. And the sustainability of tight-oil production over the longer
term is questionable.
High-productivity shale plays are not ubiquitous, as some would have us
believe. Six out of 30 plays account for 88% of shale-gas production, and two
out of 21 plays account for 81% of tight-oil production. Much of the oil and
gas produced comes from relatively small sweet spots within the fields.
Overall well quality will decline as sweet spots become saturated with wells,
requiring an ever-increasing number of wells to sustain production.
Production will ultimately be limited by available drilling locations, and
when they run out, production will fall at rates of 30–50% per year. This is
projected to occur within 5 years for the Bakken and Eagle Ford tight-oil
The EIA's projections imply that, by 2040, the United States will recover all
currently known shale-gas reserves, 58% of unproved shale-gas resources and
78% of unproved tight-oil resources7, 9. These predictions are wildly
optimistic given the fundamentals of producing these hydrocarbons. Similarly,
the EIA forecast of gas prices strains credibility9 because it is below many
other estimates of the cost of production with steadily rising supply for the
next two decades. Declaring US energy independence and laying plans to export
the shale bounty is unwise. The long-term viability of the shale revolution
must be accounted for in a sustainable energy strategy for the future.
References Author information Comments Related links
World Energy Outlook 2012 (IEA, 2012).
BP Energy Outlook 2030 (BP, 2013).
Hughes, J. D. Drill, Baby, Drill (Post Carbon Institute, 2013).
US Geological Survey. Open-File Report 2012–1118 (USGS, 2012).
Jacoby, H. D. et al. Econ. Energy Environ. Policy 1, 37–51 (2012).
Krauss, C. & Lipton, E. New York Times (20 October 2012).
US Energy Information Administration Annual Energy Outlook 2012 (EIA, 2012).
Morse, E. L. Energy 2020 (Citi, 2012).
US Energy Information Administration Annual Energy Outlook 2013 Early Release
(EIA, 2012).
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